Judy's Greyhound Gifts
Nylon Leads
Cost: $8.00 each
The Leads are 6' in length and are made out of heavy duty nylon webbing. The lead has a
sturdy clasp and the combination of the webbing and clasp you can feel secure the your greyhound won't get away.
LSH-100 - 6' Leash - Royal Blue
LSH-200 - 6' Leash - Red
LSH-300 - 6' Leash - Purple
LSH-400 - 6' Leash - Green
LSH-500 - 6' Leash - Navy
LSH-600 - 6' Leash - Black
Velvet Leash
Cost: $20.00 each
Here is an extra special lead for those special times. It is 6' in length and the heavy duty
webbing is covered by a very fine black velvet. Very Classy
VLS-600 - 6' Velvet Leash - Black
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