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Judy's Greyhound Gifts
Beautiful, unique items for greyhounds and the people who love them.
Free Shipping & Handling on ALL items sold on this site in the continental United States.
The majority of the items on this site are hand made with some items either being a one of a kind or a limited edition to keep the uniqueness of the product. Please bookmark this site to see the new items that are continually being added. Judy has always been a very charitable person and donates generously with both product and money to Greyhound Rescue & Adoption of Kentucky, Inc. and to other greyhound organizations so that the greyhounds will be safe and comfortable while waiting for there new homes. If you have any questions about any of the items that you see on this site please click the "Contact Us" button that is located at the bottom of each screen and either email us or give us a call and we will be happy to answer all your questions. Thanks for stopping by and happy shopping.
Do you have an idea of something that you want to have custom made for your greyhound??
If you would like to visit Greyhound Rescue & Adoption of Kentucky, Inc. CLICK HERE
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